87Takakura hospital and waiting room
Two girls of the yukata appearance are licking the ice cream at the
entrance of the hospital.
Mitsl and Juliet pass the furnace afterwards, and it goes up in the
87 Takakura hospital and sickroom
Mitsl signals to Juliet and the lip is signaled to keep quiet by the
Quietly stooping over
Mitsl and Juliet who opens door, and enters.
Maid Kiyoko (81) is cleaning the bed.
Mitsl approaches maid Kiyoko, it shouts, and it surprises it from the
Maid Kiyoko "..surprise.. moo . Fff . . The halberd is seen for the
street to pass to" window putting.
Kiyoko of maid of" "To do Kicayo of "To Hanami-koji" Mitsl of maid
Kiyoko. 「Because it is Yama tonight. Sleep in the bed. 」
Mitsl「..there is no other way... It is likely not to make to the rest
and not to disregard it. Alone」
Maid Kiyoko"It is. "