92Tone of Gion Matsuri Yamaboko tour and Kawaramachi Shijo (clear
weather) Contikitin.
Mitsl and Juliet put on the umbrella on the roof of the halberd of
the Gion Matsuri Yamaboko tour, and it is a rubber-soled tabi, a
yukata appearance, and there is seeing Ts ..paving...
It ..Tsge of halberd.. is done in the intersection in Kawaramachi
The halberd paves the bamboo in the tree car for turnabout, and it
turns around.
Shaking halberd.
The rope of the roof of Mitsl, Juliet, and the halberd is gripped,
and so as not to fall, it straddles.
Halberd. for turnabout around
It falls on ground the center of the intersection though it ..Juliet..
pulled at a wire to the power.