101Osaka Sacramiya Ohashi and silver bridge(clear weather)
The gravel tr101Osaka Sacramiya Ohashi and silver bridge(clear weather)
The gravel transportation Pompon ship passes under Osaka Sacramiya
Ohashi, and comes near to a port in the gravel accumulation place.
Boatman and bamboo"Arrived. "
"Thank you" bamboo of "Thank you" Mitsl of Juliet wife"Take care. "
It flies from Mitsl, Juliet, and the ship ashore and it extends.
ansportation Pompon ship passes under Osaka Sacramiya
Ohashi, and comes near to a port in the gravel accumulation place.
Boatman and bamboo"Arrived. "
"Thank you" bamboo of "Thank you" Mitsl of Juliet wife"Take care. "
It flies from Mitsl, Juliet, and the ship ashore and it extends.