126Mariko, Sayuri, and Pashiri Akai run on the stairs south
Counacaftou and along the creek south sea.
Members of the remainder also run later.
"It is not a senior" Jojima of "What the senior says is absolutely
submitted" Mariko of Pashiri "What such fellows say is not heard with
what and do not disregard it" Akai of Mariko "Now let's return"
Mariko. 「It is already unpleasant. It is not a senior. He associates
to kill time and. 」
"Do not return" Jojima of "Do not return" Mariko of Sayuri "It is it
says what" Mariko. 「Pu Taro is only knocking to kill time. It is not
baseball. 」
Ten Saito "What is sports, and what is baseball?" sword Gario. 「Not
only neither a practice nor a stripe tray are sports. It is a game.
It plays a game, and the match intuition of Toki that cannot be
tasted is supported in the practice. 」
Choucai "Dar" Osada of Maruko Ticao "It is a practice game" Saito. "
It is a game of sage Erena soon. "
By bicycle of a severe dash
Gold mine Jagamont and Makabe Renomo come.
" It is .."Not returned any longer" gold mine of "Return to the
school soon" Mariko of gold mine Jagamont Jagamont ".. Mariko. "It
doesn't want you to teach. "
127South Counacaftou and creek north side
The creek is placed, and high Fgemi and Manda Juliet are sitting on
the stairs on the north side about one kilometer ahead.
High wistaria"It might be phlegm. "

Defl Kubo that everyone lies is surrounded.
High Fgemi that has run joins, too.
The jacket of Saito and Defl Kubo is unbuttoned, and the defense lid
of the belly is opened from the chest.
The light of an internal circuit has not blinked.
"Yes" Sayuri of "Die" Sayuri of Jojima, it is surprised, and it
becomes distant.
Mariko also leaves the place.
Saito"Do not blink. "
Gold mine Jagamont "Such a thing is understood why" Saito. 「There is
having heard it. When the plug of the destruct mechanism is made a
switch on between those, self-destruction though installed the
destruct mechanism internally, and will be stopped by the controller
in 30 seconds when it is pulled out. 」
Juliet「It stops as it is the function if it doesn't do. It breaks
down for myself and it divides after. 」
"The function might stop naturally by the rejection" gold mine of "
Was the practice unpleasant, and did it do so for myself?" Juliet of
gold mine Jagamont Jagamont. 「Do it take to the school and do it
return for the time being?..meeting.. . however oftenJuri of 180
"Goodness without readily saying" high Fgemi of Juliet is surprised,
High Fgemi"180 kilos?"
It comes there with black princess Richacald, Macatoni Yamada, and
the bicycle.
"Of calling readily" black "It is Juri" Juliet of "Nobi and" black "
How did you do?" gold mine of black princess Richacald Jagamont
princess Richacald princess Richacald "I came to want to strike it,
too" Mariko. "The senior, please help. "