It enters Mitsl and the batter's box.
It throws out by announcer Tabata Juliet and left arm of "Threw out ..
Juliet and the first sphere..".
Announcer Tabata「It struck it. It is large. Center back. Backing.
Second base from stricken Mitsl and one base. From second base to the
third base.
On center and Saito's gloves. The ball is hit the home run fence, and
Announcer Tabata「Three-base hit. Mitsl and three-base hit. Counteroffe
nsive of sage Erena. No out and third base」
As for the gold mine commentator Juliet and the following batter of "
Nice bat", it is walks.
The following batter is made to get to base by the walk, too.
Announcer Tabata「How did you do?Juliet. It is a continuous walk. 」
"Nine time back, no out, and bases full" Tabata of announcer of gold
mine commentator「It was said previously again.
 It nine time is back, and no out bases full. 」
Juliana high school baseball club Uchino formation in which the run-
up to mound.
"It what?" Mariko "2・5・4" of "Yes" Juliet "2・5・4" of "If it is a
pitcher grounder, triple play" Akai of "Understood" Juliet of "
Entrust it" Akai of "When the grounder comes, double play" Sayuri "OK"
of "First of all, it settles down, and the batter is only . The one
out will be taken" Mariko of Jojima Osada Osada Sayuri "2・5・4" Jojima.
"Will ..2・5・4.. go. "