Juliet PART2 runs on a different road with Juliet who goes ahead
turning to the left.
Motorcycle of two people that runs on different concurrently road.
Juliet PART2 turns to the right, and it forestalls it.
Juliet's motorcycle seems to collide with the motorcycle of Juliet
Juliet PART2 tries to catch Juliet.
Juliet kicks the motorcycle of Juliet PART2 by the foot.
"Do not become a policeman" Juliet PART2 of Juliet. "Arrest"
The motorcycle of Juliet and Juliet PART2 is kicked by the foot.
"It goes to Tokyo, and become a beautician" Juliet PART2 of Juliet. "
Person restraint"
The motorcycle of Juliet and repeated Juliet PART2 is kicked by the
"It is ..obstruct.." Juliet PART2 of Juliet"Erasure"
The motorcycle of Juliet and repeated Juliet PART2 is kicked by the
"You are a capital punishment"

189In front of the sea along karaoke shop
track of Juliet crosses.
Juliet slips into the track under.
Juliet PART2 collides with the track, and flies in the air.
It pierces, it sticks in the projection stick of the neon
advertisement of the karaoke shop along the sea, it gets an electric
shock with the high-voltage line, it scorches jet-black, and it melts.

The liquid of the Dorodoro flows from the wall to ground.
Juliet's motorcycle tramples it down.
Juliet and the engine are rotated and and the tire ..blowing.. are
high-speed rotated.
Juliet PART2 who became liquid of the Dorodoro is danced in the air
with the sand of ground, and scatters in the sea.
Four person black princess Richacald class produces the face from the
side of the wall.
Juliet who runs away.
Black princess Richacald "Do you go ..where..?" Juliet. "House"