This time, it is a turn of Mariko.
It dashes in a central grounder that came to the front.
It is not Makabe Renomo that quickly captures, and exists on the second
base base of the cutting play, and it throws out to gold mine Jagamont
with the bamboo sword in the vicinity of the third base.
It is Mariko, and a strong arm.
However, it has neither gold mine Jagamont nor the glove.
Gold mine Jagamont"Hiyar"
Gold mine Jagamont and the body .... are avoided.
Gold Sayuri, it is good at defense.
A large fly without what retreats ..backing step.. backwards, and nice
is obtained backhand.
All "Nice obtaining" Maruko Ticao"Ume food"
It ..ball.. drops though it applies to only Jojima, the voice or the
bur and the glove.
Saito, the foot :. It is slow. The ball rolls to the schoolhouse.