Black princess Richacald"Run. "
Rabbit To is done from 9 members and home bases to 1 base.
Maruko Ticao"It is painful. "
Maruko Ticao, it falls, and it cries.
Nine members and squat are done.
Defl Kubo"It is already useless. "
It ..great character.. turns up one's toes to the daisies Defl Kubo.
Gold mine Jagamont hangs the water of the bucket there on Defl Kubo.
Nine members and pushups.
Nine members and sit-ups.
Nine members and man vaulting horses are repeated.
Nine members dash sideways queuing up.
It is made to walk by the hand with other party's foot in groups of
Gold mine Jagamont「The following are marathons. It rounds to the sea.